Home Page



Welcome to The Cope Primary School!

We hope that you enjoy exploring our school website. Through our website we hope to provide all visitors with an insight into the excellent work that takes place in our school. We want to share the many experiences the children enjoy and demonstrate the high quality learning that takes place every day at The Cope.


At The Cope there is a very strong Christian ethos which emulates through everything we do. We want every child to achieve their own personal full potential and through a caring, stimulating, safe and happy environment we aim to develop each child educationally, physically, emotionally, morally and spiritually.


We endeavour to instil independence and a sense of responsibility in our pupils which we hope will help them as they proceed through their education and beyond. These characteristics can only be developed by close co-operation between pupils, staff, parents and governors.


We believe in a strong community ethos, where all stakeholders are listened to, respected and opinions valued. The children in our school are at the centre of everything we do. We celebrate the success of our children both inside and outside school.


As you explore this site you will be able to view what is happening in individual classes, share in success and get a real sense of the essence of our school! Please enjoy your visit and keep coming back to keep up to date with life at The Cope.



