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We went on a word hunt and then used our code to read and write secret sentences.

Happy World Book Day! We paraded our costumes for the whole school and told P2/3 who we were dressed as. P6/7 drew pictures for us to match our costumes.

We have been enjoying the story “Stick Man” in school. We collected sticks and leaves to help us create a picture of Stick Man and his family.

We went for a jog around the muga pitch to search for words beginning with the sound ‘j’

The Three Bears sent us ingredients to make their favourite breakfast - p for porridge! It was so tasty!

The Jolly Postman delivered apple juice, apples and strawberry laces to help us remember the s and a sounds!

Jolly Postman Topic: the wolf brought us his favourite tasty treats (tea and toast) to help us remember the ‘t’ sound.

Developing our early phonological awareness through rhyme, story telling and word awareness.
